If you are like me and love a good long sleep all night long. Maybe a gaze through article would change your perspective.

"Stay awake[Keep watch] and pray for strength against temptation [or not to fail the test]. The spirit wants to do what is right [is willing], but the body [or human nature; the flesh] is weak.

Jesus Christ the God made flesh while inhabiting the earth  realized that in the spirit present in man is a graving desire to be right with God and constantly align with the will of God. However the flesh,  our bodies, always has a contrary will if it's own. Always seeking to satisfy it's lust and dwell in pleasure regardless of its negative effect. Jesus upon proper evaluation of the situation came up with with a lifeline. This tool that can salvage man from the bondage of his flesh, Jesus captured in a sentence; "Stay awake[Keep watch] and pray for strength against temptation [or not to fail the test]." Jesus counseled us that a technology to avoid flesh usurping authority over the spirit is just in two words "WATCH" and "PRAY". The Over comers daily practice is an alertness to foresee temptation and to pray earnestly for an escape route. Failure to engage this immutable tools in battle for a sustained alignment with kingdom agenda daily will bring about a poor implementation of the will of the father.


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