How to speak confidently in public

Hello and welcome friends, congratulations on your progress in becoming an eloquent public speaker.
Am going to advance on our lesson today on the premise that you followed through on the previous lessons ( up to this point.

 self confidence through preparation. 

Our lesson today would be centered on attaining self confidence through preparation.
Now this are the points to note:

1. Have a real message you want to deliver: When a speaker has a real message in his head and heart, then there is an inner urge to speak, he is sure to do himself credit. A well prepared speech is already 90% delivered.

2. What really is preparation? The setting down if some mechanical sentences in paper? The memorising of phrases? Not at all.
Real proper preparation consist in digging something out of yourself, in assembling and arranging your own thoughts, in cherishing and nurturing your own convictions. Mr Jackson of New York failed when he attempted merely to reiterate another man's thoughts he had culled from an article in Forbes' magazine. But he succeeded in delivering that same speech another day when he used that article merely as a starting point for his own speech, when really thought out his own ideas, developed his very own illustrations.

3. Do not sit down and try to manufacture a speech in thirty minutes: In this generation of fast food, fast lanes, fast cars, fast internet connection we tend to think we can cook a speech in thirty minutes,  no way friends you would only deliver a half baked speech.

A speech must grow. Select your topic early in the week, think over it during odd moments, brood over it, sleep over it, dream over it. Discuss it with friends. Make it a topic of conversation. Ask yourself all possible questions concerning it. Put down on pieces of paper or your electronic notepad thoughts and illustrations that dart across your mind, and consciously reaching out for more ideas, suggestions and illustrations that will come drifting to you are sundry times - when you are bathing, driving our waiting for dinner to be served. That's has been the method of almost all successful speakers.

4. After you have done a bit of independent thinking go to the internet or the library and do some reading on your topic.

5. Collect far more material than you intend to use. Assemble a hundred thoughts; and discard ninety. The way to develop a reserve power is to know far more than you can use. Have a full reservoir of information.

That my friends, is how to develop self confidence through adequate preparations. See you next time friends, keep growing. 
