Why corpers need an alternative source of income

A Funny Analysis of The Total income of Corpers.

Take a look at this NYSC corp member allowance true analysis below

N19,800 naira for eleven months equals N217,800 Naira
Note: that first allawee was paid in the orientation camp.

Now let's take a look at the basic expenditures

Usually a tithe is 10% of your income given to God or our society in form of charity. 10% of N19,800 equals N1,980. For 11 months N21,780 naira.

Bank charges
Those annoying debit alert that our banks send us monthly namely; SMS charges, card maintenance, ATM charges. N105 naira monthly of 11 months equals about N1,155 naira.

We eat to live and some live to eat. With the high cost of food products. To sustain yourself with at least 3 Square meal you need a minimum of  N10,000 naira for 11 months that would culminate to about N110,000 naira. 

Connecting with loved ones, family and friends during your service is crucial for keeping relationships. You need to buy recharge card to make this calls you need nothing short of N1,000 monthly for 11 months totalling about N11,000 naira.

Phone subscription
With the advent of social media, a lot of vital information and communication are carried on social media platforms. Facebook, whatapp, twitter, Instagram etc. A survey of graduate shows that 7 out of 10 cannot do without the internet. At least a monthly subscription of N1,200 naira should suffice for a moderate internet user. N1200 for 11 months adds up to N13,200 naira.

Transport fare to CDS/Clearance
N500 naira at least in a month for basic transport fare multiplied by 11 months indicates that an average of N5,500 naira would be spent during the service year on transportation.

Cream, tooth paste, bathing and washing soaps etc approximately N5,000 naira for 11months

Cloths and shoe
If you are not very much into fashion then on an average you should be spending approximately
N22,000 for the 11months on clothes and shoes. That's even too little for the ladies.

Transport fare back home
Approximately N6,000 especially those who served in the north, and lives in the south.

Other contingencies
Estimated average of N20,000 for CDS dues, religious dues, sent-forth dues, transport fare to church/mosque e.t.c.

Now the total expenditure for your service year should amount to N215,635 from our above analysis.

Remember our total income was  N217,800 naira
and our total expenditure N215,635 naira indicating that our balance left will be N2,165.

On lighter note, I will just use this balance buy bread when going home 😂😂😂😂😂 don't be discourage anyway.
Our goal for writing this article is to inspire you to think of alternative sources of income. If you have any youth corper as a friend share this with them. To enable them think of alternative sources of income.


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